CyberARTS Emblem

CyberARTS Emblem

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Artist Statement: Stop Motion Clay Animation

I created emotion using the fork. I had a character that was made of clay but had fork components and missing an arm. The protagonist bought a piece of the fork from another character and put it in the arm socket of the fork character, thus completing him/her. Once completed the two characters shared a passionate hug. So the fork carries the emotion of love or lust. The quality of movement could have been improved but for the most part is clear and easy to understand. I created foreground using the brown board as a place for the characters to stand. I created middle ground by having the characters all close to the background and facing the appropriate directions according to the one point perspective of the background. The background is on white paper with an alleyway going into the distance, using one point perspective as described before. I created unity using pen and pencil for a minimalist appeal. I believe it worked because everything in the video is simplistic and yet looks well. For sound I made a single track on Garage band and so it amplifies the emotion of the video. If I had a second chance I would make the movements clearer, and crisper and possibly make a better soundtrack with miscellaneous noises that help the alleyway look and feel.